These new views are much wider and complete than the views I had when I wrote the first version of my automated trading ebook. I have also learned a lot more about what people need to know in order to trade with automated trading systems successfully and what questions I can answer with my experience to help them on this jouney. There have also been a lot of developments on the commercial ea arena and I have come to know the schemes and techniques used by the people that try to sell poorly tested systems a lot better.
With all this in mind, I decided it was time to redevelop my automated trading ebook from scratch to include all my new views about all the things I have mentioned before. I will try to make my ebook the ultimate guide for people that want to succeed in the world of automated trading systems, from how much money they need from how to distinguish between a good and a bad automated strategy and from a good and a bad money management system. My idea with this new version of the ebook is to benefit you, the regular forex retail trader, the most. I will include a lot of questions that people have sent me as well as a much more complete guide to the god’s gift ATR system with detailed trading examples, logic examples, account examples, etc.
When will my new crown jewl be finished ? I am planning to have it ready by my birthday, July the 19th :). This will be the release date of this new and improved version of my automated trading ebook. It will be available for a little bit more than the current price, something around 19 to 20 USD. However, all of my current customers will be able to download this version for free (as I have always said). Hopefully most of my website visitors and current customers will greatly benefit from this new milestone in my forex trading career.
Hi Daniel,
I am looking forward for the release of your new ebook.
Hi Daniel,
I just purchased your e-book a few days ago and I am greatly impressed with the value that I have received for such a modest investment.
Thank you and I look forward to reading your updates.