The Asirikuy Forum… Making Asirikuy a True Community

If you have read my blog frequently then you are aware of the fact that I have never liked the way in which automated trading forums work. I have outlined their problems several times in the past which are mainly summarized as a “cyclic development syndrome” in which systems are developed without any significant evolution towards long term profitability. This problem has many causes which range from the lack of knowledge about the requirements for a system to be likely long term profitable to the inherent difficulty in the development of sound trading strategies. The over-development of entry criteria and the use of unsound trading tactics are amongst the main consequences of the traditional “automated trading forum” approach.

However after several Asirikuy members suggested the creation of a forum to me (and after I refused several times) I decied to ask myself a simple question. Can the asirikuy community do any better ? Can you create a forum in which the possibility to develop long term profitable systems in a community environment becomes real ? The creation of such a forum demands the overcoming of all the problems which have been evident on automated trading forums in the past.

How could you overcome all these issues ? My first thought has always been that the lack of direction and knowledge is the main reason why forums fail to develop sound trading systems. The problems that arise from these two are almost endless. You always have the use of backtests with limited quality or with the obvious exploitation of backtesting faults coupled with the suggestion of unsound trading techniques – such as Martingales – to improve trading systems which have exit-related problems (which are never addressed due to the over development of entries found in forums). There is a lack of systematic evaluation and the lack of any judgement over the quality of the trading system ideas proposed.

I plan to solve all these problems on the Asirikuy community forum. How ? We will have very directed and efficient development. I will receive all system ideas and I will strongly moderate the development forum so that asirikuy members are able to learn and development can stay away from trading ideas which won’t work and implementations which are detrimental to long term profitability. This does not mean that we will only develop “what I want” but we will develop what “can work”. I am convinced that if development is centered around systems which can be backtested reliably, which use adaptive techniques and which use sound money management it will only be a matter of time before we get our first community developed long term profitable systems.

On top of serving as a center for development, the asirikuy forum will also deal with questions people have about the material available on the website, backtesting, programming, system design, etc. The Asirikuy forum will become another key knowledge base so that people can exchange ideas and grow their knowledge about automated trading system development.

One of the main objectives of the Asirikuy Forum will be to make Asirikuy a lot more like an online community. Having the ability to know and interact with the different members will help us create that community-feeling which I have always wanted Asirikuy to have. By working together and building content in a community type environment I am hopeful that we will be able to make Asirikuy much more than what it already is today. We will have a community with a high knowledge-standard in automated trading which will be committed to the development of trading systems, not be sold, but to be traded for our long term capitalization.

If you would like to learn more about the forum or about the trading systems we are currently trading at Asirikuy please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or joining Asirikuy to receive all ebook purchase benefits, weekly updates, check the live accounts I am running with several expert advisors and get in the road towards long term success in the forex market using automated trading systems. I hope you enjoyed the article !

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