About Ebay Expert Advisors, Beware !

If you arrived at this webpage you have probably been looking for reviews or information on some expert advisor you saw on ebay or on another auctioning website. I have to say, expert advisors that come from this type of webpages are particularly dangerous. I will now give you some pointers on why :

1. Many times, the seller is not the creator : This is true in many cases. The seller poses as the creator of the expert advisor when in reality he simply downloaded some code (which is probably free) and made some back tests in doubtful conditions to create conditions under which the ea showed profits.

2. Test results are many times forged : People here most of the time forge their live, forward or backtesting information in order to sell the customer their product. They add, delete or modify trading entries, percentages or quantities in order for people to believe that their products are profitable. Remember, you should always request investor access to live accounts when purchasing expert advisors.

3. Audience is prone to hype : Because of the very nature of the ebay market and the people who use it, people who sell expert advisors in ebay tend to sell more the dream than the product. They tend to underestimate the importance of real evidence such as accounts with investor passwords and overestimate the importance of trivial easily forged things like testimonials, etc. Beware, you should see through that.

My advice. Do not buy any automated trading system sold on ebay. Most of them are affiliate sellers of commercial expert who will do anything to close a sale or scammers who sell you experts you can get for free with no support or real results that show you profitability. If you have liked this article and would like to learn more about expert advisors and my reviews about several commercial and free experts please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or subscribing to my weekly newsletter to receive updates and check the live and demo accounts I am running with several expert advisors. I hope you enjoyed the article !

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