Shark EA from forexeasystems a Possible System to Try

I guess many of you have noticed that I stopped forward testing many of the experts I had on my vps starting this year. The main reason is that they showed me a substantially negative behavior that made me change my opinion and in consequence, consider them not worth testing anymore.

Because of this, I am actively looking for some expert advisors to test, free or commercial. I have always been interested on the Shark EA by which is the commercial ea I know with the most extensive forward testing on record (by the seller).

I would like to know if any of you have tried this expert, what your results and opinion are and if you would like me to review the expert, if you think it is worth a try. I think it is but then I don’t know anyone who has actually traded it. Well, I thank you again, I appreciate your feedback ! Please leave a comment with your opinion !

An updated review of my opinions about this trading system and my experiences trading it through 2008 (on live accounts) will be posted on September 12, 2009. Please check the Label drop down list on the left side menu and select “Shark EA” to read this review after the 13th. If you would like to learn more about my EA evaluation criteria, why most commercial expert advisors fail and how you can start profiting from automated trading system using long term profitable experts with real profit and draw down targets please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or subscribing to my weekly newsletter to receive updates and check the live and demo accounts I am running with several expert advisors. I hope you enjoyed the article !

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26 Responses to “Shark EA from forexeasystems a Possible System to Try”

  1. azjeff says:

    I have both the shark and the griffin ea’s from that company. The shark has not done so well since dec 2007. It has quite a bit of huge drawdown. The Griffin ea has much better performance. Has much lesser DD than shark. Shark trades many more times and takes more risk. I would recommend Griffin over the Shark. Check my other comments under your other posts. I mention a Pallada EA in those. That is by far the best commercial performing EA so far this year. Pallada requires more work by user but the results are worth it.

  2. azjeff says:

    Pallada ea makes consistent profits with the lowest DD of any ea I have ever seen. Check it out at

  3. ckowyong says:

    hi Daniel,

    yes!!… i would really like to see the Shark EA tested. i am also considering it too… and maybe we could test it together if you do not mind purchasing it.

    i have heard a number of good things about it from those who have been running it.

    let me know what you think.


  4. tahoemnts says:

    Dear azjeff,
    You stated on another blog that “Pallada” was the best EA. I haven’t heard anything further about this EA? Or am i did I miss a post somewhere?

  5. azjeff says:

    Hello tahoemnts,

    I stated in my comments on one of my previous messages rearding a previous post by Daniel, Regarding the Pallada ea goto
    Click on the live history and you can see the results. FYI, also I mentioned this ea requires more work by you the user. Take a look at the website. It explains it all.


  6. Alexander says:


    here are the 3rd login data for the public account:

    LOGIN: 5210127
    PASSWORD: ays258 (Change every week)

    Note: Risk per trade 2%-4% (moderate)

    Best Regards

  7. ckowyong says:

    thanks Alex!
    good work Daniel :O)
    – ck

  8. berdj says:

    The live acct you have provided here with FXDD is that for Griffin EA or?

  9. berdj says:

    Which EA is the live results on FXDD for?


  10. Lukas says:

    I emailed Alex and he said this demo account is runing both Shark and Griffin at same time.

  11. tahoemnts says:

    Dear azjeff:
    Have you been using the Pallada EA? If so, i had some questions, shoot me an email …

  12. azjeff says:


    I suggest any questions you have to ask the seller their website. Their contact email address is there. I apologize but I want people to make up their own minds with what they see and talk with from the merchant. I will say this my demo account results are close to the results that their live results show.

  13. tahoemnts says:

    Do you have the link/site you stated on another blog to the site which reviews the forex EAs…the one with some membership to 3000pipEAs it claims? thanks.

  14. andrew168 says:

    I have been trading with Shark and Griffin since 2 days ago. Shark has performed poorly, it had 3 loses and 1 win so far. Griffin has not opened any trade yet. I have to monitor it for a longer period of time. Shark definitely does not have a good start.

  15. Mark says:

    Any updates of Shark / Griffin performance?

  16. Raymond says:

    I started to trade my real money by the EA Shark on Apr 7.
    (using 4% risk per trade)

    There was a GREAT drawdown in this week.

    Now I lost almost -20% of my capital.


  17. Dave says:

    Why don’t you try the that appears ob every page of your blog? They look sleazy enough to make the “Don’t use” list!

  18. Daniel says:


    I am sorry but the robotrader ads that appear are provided by google I have no control whatsoever on them and I have not tried robotrader for obvious lack of forward testing information.

    I agree that experts like Shark, Griffin and Viseu experienced draw downs this month, however, these draw downs have not been superior to what is expected from previous live testing results provided by the authors. I will hold on to these experts until they go beyond my expected draw down which I have calculated to be 6 times the risk percentage for shark.

  19. Henry says:

    I received yesterday the new update for the EA SHARK.

    The new build 02 looks very strong. The strategy tester shows higher profits, lower draw downs and more constant returns.

    I think they did a good work and the system is back on top.


  20. Dave says:


    Thanks for the e-book – it revealed a lot to me. Also sorry about the mix-up on my email address.

    After reading your e-book, I junked the systems I bought and now am considering two others. One is 5EMAs and the other is Pallada. 5 EMAS comes with a money back guarantee and Pallada is a pay and pray.

    Do you have any input in those systems?



  21. Mark says:

    Henry how have your results been for shark the past few days since you got build 02?

  22. Alexander says:

    Hi, the new build is running well.Here the login data for the public account.

    Account> 5474260
    Login> shark11

    Password will be changed on a regular base.


  23. bryen says:

    I have used the Shark and this EA is a ripoff. Backtesting is not a reliable gauge to how well an EA will perform in forward testing. the first trade the Shark made for me won $100 the second lost $1700 and the third lost $2200. The performance was pretty bad so I put it into a mini account to do some real accurate testing on it. It blew through the entire account in 4 days. When I tried to contact the company It took me 4 days to get a half-assed reply to my questions and how their results differed dramatically from mine. After getting nowhere on all fronts I scrapped the Shark and chalked it up to an expensive lesson in what not to do.

  24. Alexander says:


    Hello Brian, i am Alex from All EA from us uses hardcoded SL and TP parameters. From this reason it is not possible that one trade get stopped out with a loss from 1700 USD and another one with 2200 USD.

    This is only possible when you modify the trades manual.

    Please understand that we are not responsible for incorrect using.

    Best Regards


  25. raul says:

    hi, i have been trading in a demo account using some diferents eas and all of them lost all the money at the end…forexautopilot, robotrader, Destiny, forex funnel, forex automoney…etc.

    Iam a programer, if somebody have a good strategie to operate i can do a program, my e mail

  26. dudelazio says:

    What I did not understand in Shark EA report was that the loss in one trade was usually around -3000 while the profit of each trade only around 1000.
    The thing is, how could you allow such a loss like that in one trade when u could limit the loss to less than the profit target? If your system suffer the consecutive losses only 4 times, then the $10,000 account would blow off easily.
    Alexander, can u explain this?

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