God’s Gift EA, 2 months, finally … A loss !

First of all let me apologize for the diminished amount of posts I have published for the past month. I have been very busy with other projects so I haven’t taken much time to write articles, on the other hand, I don’t have many experts to review as I currently have only 2 in forward testing.

Now to the God’s Gift expert advisor results… I have to say, I like this expert advisor a little bit more every day that I see it trade. It caught twelve profitable trades in a row, over a little bit less than two months. It has shown great accuracy with it’s trades, only risking a moderate amount of pips (70) on each trade.

The ea attained it’s first loss yesterday when it hit a stoploss on the GBP/USD after taking a dramatically wrong sell order just before 5 consecutive positive hours for the pound. I have to say, I am in part relieved by the expert starting to take some loses, I really want to see if the expert can live up to it’s back testing results and provide a maximum draw down smaller than 15%. Currently, maximum draw down is 3.9%.

Well, I will review this expert again the following month when I hope we will have a better idea on the amount of draw down. If it exceeds 15% I will stop the expert advisor, if it does not, I will continue forward testing it until it does or until we have 2 years of forward testing. Best luck to you all on your trading !

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4 Responses to “God’s Gift EA, 2 months, finally … A loss !”

  1. Chee Keong says:

    Hi Daniel,

    Are we required to change any settings in this EA due to change of DST recently?


  2. CKH says:

    Btw, what is the other EA you are testing now besides God’s Gift?

  3. Allan says:

    Hi Daniel,
    May i know where to download it?


  4. Spiderweb says:

    hi Daniel a have to send a donate how i dwload the ea God's Gift ATR and settings i dont now how settings i change if you send to me your settings for testing this Ea!
    How time-frame is works and Pars???

    Best Regards,

    Paulo Santos

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