Free Profitable Expert Advisor, God’s Gift 7c

For those of you who have not read previous posts about God’s Gift, it is a free expert advisor coded by Matt Edmonds which I have been testing from January 2008. I stopped publishing results on this website since the ea is a very infrequent trader and it took it several months to accumulate a good amount of trades. Now I will show you my results for this free, profitable, expert advisor.

As you can see on the graph, the ea has performed very well for the past 9 months as it has been predicted by it’s backtesting. The expert has very good market entries. With about only one entry per week, this ea enters the market only on high probability trades. I have to say, I thought this ea would blow up the account by June but it has indeed surprised me by banking profits as expected. Up until now, the ea has a profit of about 50% with a maximum draw down not exceeding 10%. The ea uses a fixed stop loss and it seems to have a low risk trading style. This is the type of ea you would like to use for consistent, long term profits.

Even though the amount of time is significant (9 months) and enough to say this ea is extremely likely profitable (has survived drastic changes in market conditions), I have to tell you that, as with any automated trading system, you should trade it with care and at your own risk. If you wish to get the settings and the expert advisor from me you can either buy my automated trading ebook (which contains information about many commercial experts) , subscribe to my weekly newsletter (which comes with investor passwords for live and demo accounts) or simply buy me a cup of coffee using the link on left bottom side of my webpage and I’ll be glad to send you this information to your email ! (this is to support the vps in which the ea is run and keep me awake :) ) Thanks in advance for your purchases and donations !

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3 Responses to “Free Profitable Expert Advisor, God’s Gift 7c”

  1. Fuegelheim says:

    And what about viseu 001? Is that one also still profitable? And what is a vps? Can I also buy you a cup of coffee using a credit card?

  2. Daniel says:

    Hello, well, a vps is a Virtual Private Server which is a computer that runs away from your home inside a specialized data center with redundant internet connections and power, fancy stuff ! That is to make sure that your experts run under ideal conditions the whole time.

    Viseu has had some tough times lately but I am still testing it. I think you can buy me a cup of coffee using a credit card ! paypal accepts them too !

  3. Kingsley says:

    Your last posting on you blog for God’s EA was on 7th September 2008. Today is close to the end of 2008.
    Can you please provide another posting on God’s EA so that we can know how it’s coming along? Thank you.

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