DTS-1 Expert Advisor Unbiased Review

I have been following developments for the past two years and I have more often been impressed than not by their expert advisors. Their system Pointbreak has been traded and reviewed by me before (see links on the left and ebook) and their new DTS-1 trading system could be no exception.
According to their website, the DTS-1 or Dreambuilder FX expert advisor seems to be like a version of Pointbreak on steroids. Pointbreak is a sort of grid trading expert advisor that uses, hedging, pyramidying and other useful tecniques to stay on top of the game and always return the account to a profitable return. If you have read my ebook you know the draw downs and possible profits you could be facing with Pointbreak but it seems that the DTS-1 expert advisor has been an improvement over that.
The dreambuilder-FX expert advisor claims to have some new feautres over Pointbreak’s logic which eventually translate into accounts with lower draw downs and more profitable returns. When you see the back and forward testing results on website, the results seem a lot like those you would expect from Pointbreak. You get several open draw downs at some points with the account eventually getting eveything back up to profits. The amount of those open draw downs is the subject of interest here. 
I am now familiarized with this type of cycle trading systems and I would consider the DTS-1 expert advisor worth testing, as it seems to have reasonable risk to reward ratios with also reasonable open draw downs. Newsletter subsribers will receive investor access account number and password as well as access to the forward trading results (updated every 4 hours) on my ftp server.
If you would like to learn more about Pointbreak and this type of systems in general as well as other free and commercial profitable trading systems please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or subscribing to my weekly newsletter to receive updates and check the live and demo accounts I am running with several expert advisors. I hope you enjoyed the article !
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2 Responses to “ DTS-1 Expert Advisor Unbiased Review”

  1. Susanna says:

    I read your post on DTS-1 EA from ForexHope. But I can't find any post about Fractals-Wizard 4, which I consider their best performance EA so far. I consider to buy it. You can see they posted their live forward which updated every 15 minutes at
    I'm looking some review about this EA before buy it.
    So far the performance has been very good to me.

  2. Susanna says:

    I read your post about DTS-1 from ForexHope. But I can't find any review about Fractals-Wizard 4 which I consider their best performance EA so far.
    I consider to buy, since they published the forward performance at their site: fxhope[dot]com
    And the result quite impress me with very low drawdown.
    I'm looking some review on Fractals-Wizard 4 before buy it.

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