Tradeways, Pallada 3.4 System an Unbiased Review

One of the systems I have been asked the most to look into was the Pallada system made by the tradeways company. I had not written a review about it before because the semi automated nature of it made it much less systematic to test and trade but after getting to know this system for a couple of months I think I can now confidently give my honest unbiased opinion about it.

The system has many indicators to it and it also has several entry and exit criterias. My first impression about the indicators is that, even though they are nothing that I would consider revolutionary, they do put a lot of information consistently on the screen. My best guess would be that some indicators are oscillator based while others are certainly based on lagging indicators of some sort. The Pallada system has the virtue of putting you inside all the winning trades with the outmost deffect of making you give most of your profits back on large moves when quick retracements happen.

Another fact is that having several possible exit criteria leaves a lot in the mind of the trader. Which criteria you use and how you actually handle your positions makes the difference between trading Pallada profitably or failing miserably. Of course, this kind of thing is what precisely makes the Pallada system impossible to fully automate. I coded an ea based on the exact entry rules given by the Pallada manual and I realized that things changed enormously depending on the exit criteria, but regardless of what I did, most of the time I was giving back all the money I won on the big trades on the ranging periods that followed.

In my opinion, the Pallada system is not a bad trading system. I know people who trade their indicators and are successfully using them to make money. Now, this system has performed very good for the past year (according to my backtesting using the ea I programmed) so you should not expect bad comments from people who have been recently trading the system.

Anyway, I think that the Pallada system is far from a “sure” solution that you can follow blindly and become profitable. The Pallada system reflects the nature of the trader, if you are profitable with their system, then you will most likely be profitable with other good manual trading systems. If you are not, then you probably need to work on your trading. Needless to say, there is no way in which you can make money in the forex market without having a decent education about it.

The Pallada system gives it’s users a good opportunity to become profitable in the market. It is not a blackbox solution, it is a tool to help forex traders succeed. If you prefer automated trading solutions and would like to learn more about profitable free and commercial expert advisors please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or subscribing to my weekly newsletter to receive updates and check the live and demo accounts I am running with several expert advisors. I hope you enjoyed the article !

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3 Responses to “Tradeways, Pallada 3.4 System an Unbiased Review”

  1. Вася says:

    Pallada 3 was the first 2007-2008 version of the system. Current version is Pallada SE, and it performs much better. I have seen even autotrader, based on Pallada SE, but haven't tested it yet.

  2. Вася says:

    Pallada SE page – . How about reviewing this new version?

  3. Daniel says:

    Thank you very much for your comment and the heads up. I will certainly give it a new look and see how much this has changed since Pallada 3.4. Hopefully the system will be a lot less discretionary by now. I hope I can get a review written before the end of December. Thank you for your interest,

    Best Regards,


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