Forex Expert Advisor Programming/Knowledge Course

Throughout the whole time I have worked on forex expert advisors. I have seen that most of the traders that want to be successful with automated trading systems have no knowledge whatsoever about expert advisors, expert advisors programming and what and what cannot succeed in the world of forex automated trading. I believe that in order to be truly successful in automated trading one must not only know a lot about forex trading but one must also know a lot about how automated systems work, what indicators do, what they mean, what they represent and what the limitations and advantages of different trading strategies are.

With this in mind, I have decided to start a personalized course which seeks to teach any individual willing to truly learn the ins and outs of automated trading many of the things I know about manual and automated trading systems. The course is suite to different types of traders (since I design it individually) from beginning traders who want to learn about the market and automated trading systemss to advanced manual traders who wish to automate their current trading strategies themselves. The course may cover any of the following topics, as requested by the person who wants to take the class.(these are all I can think of right now but make sure you leave a comment if you would like to know if I can teach any other content)

– Introduction to forex trading and the forex market
– Mathematical base and meaning of different indicators
– Manual profitable trading systems
– Money management strategies (what works and what does not,)
– Automated system characteristics
– Profitable automated trading strategies
– Manual vs Automated trading, what can and what cannot be translated
– Programming automated trading systems (mql4)
– Debugging and optimizing an expert advisor
– Back testing vs Demo vs Live testing an expert advisor

The course will be given in 10 hours (programmed as per the individual’s request) and has a cost of 200 USD payed via paypal or wire transfer (this is extremely cheap when compared with most seminars which aren’t even individual). The course will take place on Sundays or Tuesdays (2 hours per week for 5 weeks) and will be given via skype. Since this takes up my time and the course is indiviual, I will only be able to take a few people each month. If you are interested please send me an email to . Please include your available hours on Sunday and Tuesday, local time and current level of experience in the forex market and what you will be expecting from the class. I will then answer your email and send you an invoice so that you can issue your payment and start the automated trading class. Thank you very much for your attention !

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4 Responses to “Forex Expert Advisor Programming/Knowledge Course”

  1. Winter says:

    Hi Daniel,

    I have just subscribed to your monthly subscription service, could you verify ? Thanks.


  2. Daniel says:

    Hello Winter,

    I just sent you all the subscription information. Thank you for your purchase !

    Best Regards,


  3. Darren says:

    Hi Daniel,

    Training idea sounds top… Will probably be something I will go for myself down the track.

  4. Winter says:

    Hi Daniel,

    I miss your articles. Keep it coming.


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