Ebook Update Instructions

If you have purchased my automated trading ebook before and would now like to update to the latest version please follow these instructions :

  • Open the original pdf of the ebook and go to the last page. Take note of the first 4 words of the third line of the last paragraph and write them down (without spaces between them and all in low caps) this will be your login password to update.
  • Download the Filezilla free FTP client (filezilla-project.org)
  • Please fill the dialogues on the top of the screen with the following information : Host : fxreviews.exavault.com, Username : ebook, Password : (the password you wrote down before goes here) and Port : 21.
  • The program should now open a connection to the ftp and the ebook compressed zip file should appear in the right hand side browser
  • Drag and drop the ebook to whatever directory you want on your computer (which is shown on the file browser at the left side of your screen)
Hopefully you will be able to download the ebook. Please make sure you try at least 5 times during a 5 hour span to make sure you can connect (settings the ftp connection mode to active on filezilla may also help if you experience any problems). If you still cannot get the ebook please send me an email and I’ll send it to you using yousendit.com. Again, I would like to thank you all very much for all your purchases and your trust ! I hope this ebook is even more useful and filled with information than the first !
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7 Responses to “Ebook Update Instructions”

  1. Richard says:


    after receiving your interesting e-book I found that the parameter structure described in the e-book for Gods Gift do not exactly match to those of the ea version 7c. Can you please comment ? Regards

  2. Daniel says:

    Hello Richard,

    Of course, the parameter structure has changed because the god's gift EA was modified to include ATR adjusted TL, TP, SL and lot sizes, a version I programmed and named God's Gift ATR. This is why parameters are different. I hope this answers your questions !

    Best Regards,


  3. J.T says:

    Hi Daniel,

    I am using the ebook version from 9th April 2009. The password don't work. I might need your help on this as I realised this is the only version I have. Please email me at jimmytbc at gmail dot com.


  4. Daniel says:

    Hi J.T,

    I just sent you the latest version of the ebook to your email via yousendit.com. Please send me an email to confirm you received it to ekans_ at hotmail.com! If anyone has any problems downloading the update please send me an email and I'll personally email it to you. Thank you very much for your purchases !

    Best Regards,


  5. dan says:

    Hi Daniel,

    Happy holiday to u! I tried to download the update to the ebook via filezilla, tried 10 times, but it always said error–cannot connect. Can u please email it to me? :) Thanx,

    Ben Belsom

  6. Daniel says:

    Hi Ben,

    Probably you have a version which is too old and your password is not correct. Please send me an email to ekans_ at hotmail.com to confirm your email address and I'll send you the update. Thank you very much for the comment !

    Happy Holidays,


  7. yamfoley says:

    I am using the ebook version from 20th September 2009. The password don't work. I might need your help on this as I realised this is the only version I have. Please email me at sornsak at mail dot com.

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