Forex Expert Advisors : Forex Phantom an unbiased Review

I have to say that I have actually been looking forward to writting this post for a while. Today I will focus on the review of the Forex Phantom expert advisor which has some very special claims we will evaluate about the evidence provided by the expert’s creators. I believe this expert is special because it clearly states “no more BS, no more hype, no more fake screen names or actors, fully legal & legit”, of course, as soon as I see a statement like this I want to look more into the expert to see if it can truly live up to such wonderful claims.

It turns out to be however, that this expert just does not. For starters, the forex phantom creators just give us a relatively short backtest as trading evidence. They backup their claims about pulling six figures from the market by just showing us that on a simulatiob ? Hey ! Please, do not confuse facts and fiction, you have never pulled six figures from the market ! That just happened in a simulation, NOT in real life. So here it is, the BS, just in fron of our faces. I though this was supposed to be a non BS site ? Well, guess what ? Forex phantom is as full of it as many other experts out there and I find it really amazing that they even have the balls to say they are not. If you say you an pull six figures from the market in such a short time why aren’t you showing us some live testings showing how good your backtests correlate with your live tests ?

They are certainly not doing it because probably this two things have nothing to do with each other ! Of course, would you thing that a trading system would produce such incredibly large amounts of profit in such a short time ? Also, why is their backtesting information so limited ? Why isn’t their a backtesting from at least 2000 if the system is really long term profitable ? Truth be told, the system probably wiped out account on the years before, showed incredible draw down levels or did not produce any profits at all, but well, I guess we will never know.

I wonder how this people can be so bold faced and say that their system is proven, no hype and no BS when that is probably all that their is on their webpage ? This system does not show any reliable proof to backup their claims, there are no backtests from 200 and no live tests t compare the backtests to to say if they are reliable or not. So guess what ? This system, in my opinion, is totally NOT worth buying and not even worth the calories it takes to use the mouse to scroll down the screen. Of course, I would be glad to change my whole review if evidence of long term backtests and live tests we can compare to backtests with investor access are given. Why do I have the feeling I will never get them ?

If you would like to learn more about why commercial automated trading systems do not work most of the time and what free long term profitable trading systems DO work and can make you a profit with realistic profit and draw down goals in the forex market please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or subscribing to my weekly newsletter to receive updates and check the live and demo accounts I am running with several expert advisors. I hope you enjoyed the article !

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