Forex Expert Advisors : Forex Profit Hunter an Unbiased Review

Today’s post will also be focused on the review of yet another automated trading system (just when I think I’ve reviewed them all !). I found this trading system a few days ago while I was searching the web for expert advisors to review on my website. This expert advisor is called forex profit hunter and it is supposed to be a great trading system. In the word of the author :

The Secret to Automatically Selecting Winning Trades & Depositing $5,000—$10,000–$15,000 + in Profits Even If You Know Absolutely Nothing About Trading Right Now”

Now after reading all this hype you must think that he may have some very convincing proof to be able to make such bold statements. Well, the truth actually is that this expert advisor creator, as most expert advisor sellers out there, has absolutely no reliable evidence to backup ANY of his claims.

Through the whole sales webpage, the author goes on and on about the reliability of his system and why it is supposed to work for people making money while they sleep. The truth is that he offers no evidence at all to proof that his system can achieve any profitability at all. The only thing that remotely resembles evidence is just a half screenshot of a backtesting statement with some trade pictures after that. What the hell ? I can make those trade pictures myself on metatrader in 5 minutes. I think this guy, as many other trading systems salesmen out there, is treating us like if we where retarded. Guess what ? We are not !

I cannot help to feel some anger everytime I come across a webpage like this. Loads of claims with some extremely bold statements about the profitability of a trading system when there is absolutely NO evidence to prove that. When there is no evidence, you should never believe what sellers tell you. Again, when I say evidence I mean evidence for every claim they make. If they say you’ll double your account each month, they should have a one year statement showing you can do that, if they say their broker independent then you should expect tests on at least 15 different brokers to confirm this beyond any reasonable doubt. But we don’t see this, why ? because systems like this forex profit hunter are just pure hype with no substance whatsoever.

Of course, this system is absolutely NOT worth buying or even looking at. If you would like to learn more about why commercial expert advisors lose money so often and how you can become profitable too using free long term profitable expert advisors please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or subscribing to my weekly newsletter to receive updates and check the live and demo accounts I am running with several expert advisors. I hope you enjoyed this article !

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One Response to “Forex Expert Advisors : Forex Profit Hunter an Unbiased Review”

  1. KenLong says:

    This is one of the first EA's that I bought, and imediately returned. The EA I recieved was nothing like the EA advertised. It was a news trader that bracketed the common news release hours with trailing orders. The EA was terible and the program was poorly writen, it froze my computer several times, and caused a huge drain on my CPU. Further, the free bonus EA that they included was an exact clone of the free MACD EA that is included with Metatrader. I backtested them against each other and they were identical.

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