Forex Expert Advisors : Forex Sprinter, an Unbiased Review

A few days ago a newsletter subscriber emailed me suggesting an automated trading system for review. The name of this expert advisor is forex sprinter and quiet pleasantly there are absolutely no claims made about its profitability on its web page. Today I am going to focus on the analysis of this expert advisor and the trading strategy and live/back testing evidence provided by the author. After doing my analysis I will then tell you if in my opinion the trading system is or is not worth buying and testing. As always my review is as unbiased as it can be as I receive no reward for either positive or negative comments about the system.

First of all, I would have to congratulate the owner of the forex sprinter website for being clear and concise. However I do feel that there is a lack of information on the website. It is not good to hype people with claims of “risk free” trading, “instant profits”, or the like but it is also not good to leave the expert without any comment. I always consider that it is good to give a description about the system and state the risk/profit targets that the EA is able to reach according to the evidence available. It is true that some people will be able to infer these aspects from the statements but it is certainly helpful to have an explanation of the general trading approach to be able to evaluate the soundness of the trading technique used.

That said, it is certainly disappointing to see what the trading system is all about. The system is actually not a true scalper but an EA which uses a fixed TP (which is more than 3 times the average GBP/USD spread). The other trading system exposed on the site is actually a martingale system, a sure way to wipe out an account in the long term. Now, the live trading statement shown on the site is nothing short of what you would expect for a system with an almost 5:1 risk to reward ratio. A long period of profitable trades is easily wiped by a small series of losing trades. The developer of the EA promises to release updated settings to the EA but the fact that the EA does not have anyway to adapt to changing market conditions besides optimization makes me seriously doubt the long term profitability of the EA.

I also would like to know why there are no backtesting statements. Certainly it would be useful to have backtests from the live testing period in order to see if the expert is live/back testing consistent and therefore subject to a deeper backtesting analysis from 2000 which could shine a lot of light on the long term profitability. However the system can be expected not to be long term profitable because of its inherent lack of capacity to adapt to changing market conditions.

The Forex Sprinter expert advisor is definitely a system that has actually no claims by the author and too little evidence to actually draw any conclusions about the expert’s profitability. Much longer live testing coupled with backtests that show live/back testing consistency would be necessary to ensure that the expert has a good likeness of being long term profitable. Is this EA worth buying ? No, there is no evidence to proof that it can be a long term profitable system with the present evidence being lacking. The other expert advisor, for which evidence is totally absent will be absolutely not worth buying simply because of the use of martingale money management which, as I have explained in the past, cannot, under any circumstances be long term profitable.

If you would like to learn more about how experts should be tested to ensure long term profitability and how you too can start trading with long term profitable systems please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or subscribing to my weekly newsletter to receive updates and check the live and demo accounts I am running with several expert advisors. I hope you enjoyed the article !

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One Response to “Forex Expert Advisors : Forex Sprinter, an Unbiased Review”

  1. Redford says:

    Sprinter ran a couple of live sessions, first with EUR/GBP and turned 1,000 into about 3,000 in a week or so. I checked some of the profit trades and there wasn't any chance those scalps could have produced 5 pip profits. Maybe a pip, maximum of 2, but completely bogus in general.

    The second live run was on the GBP/USD, and this one was on it's way to oblivion after two days when they stopped the trial.

    I'm sure some folks stepped up and bought Sprinter (at $500) during the intitial live trial, unaware that several of the putative trades were impossible.

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