The Asirikuy Website … A Milestone Achievement

Few times since the beginning of my blog I have had the pleasure to announce a milestone achievement. The introduction of my ebook and newsletter were certainly very important to me but today I am going to show you what I have been up to for the past few months. Today’s post will be dedicated to announcing the official release of the Asirikuy website. What is the Asirikuy website besides another weird name Daniel likes to use ? The website -besides the end of a lot of php and flash edition- is the culmination of more than 2 years of arduous work and development on the achievement of profitable automated trading.

Many of you may be wondering…What the hell does asirikuy mean ? It is a very simple Quechua word which literally means : smile. Because that is what I get after so many years of dedication to the forex market and this is what I want people to get when they trade. I want people to get a smile.

The asirikuy website will be from now on the place I will use to publish all the newsletter related materials including videos, weekly newsletters, myfxbook links, etc. All my newsletter subscribers will become asirikuy website members and through the website we will develop a community around the goals and methods outlined on the homepage (all newsletter subscribers should have received their asirikuy logins and passwords by now, if you are a subscriber and you haven’t been able to access the website please email me ASAP!). The website will also allow me to share many more things than what I could previously achieve through the use of FTP servers. I will be able to easily post news, research results, tips, etc. The website definitely also makes life a lot easier for my subscribers with easy to access links for all the content plus the elimination of the need to weekly change FTP server passwords.

My objective for this year with Asirikuy is to make it the best source for people interested on automated trading on the internet. I want us to have the most thoroughly developed and tested automated trading systems online with the most sound concepts of long term profitability and capital preservation. I want people to view Asirikuy as an education center to truly acquire confidence and learn how to become long term profitable in automated trading by truly understanding the trading systems used, rather than just any of the other websites which just mindlessly review everything that comes out on the market. with no idea or perspective about the long term profitability of the systems they trade .By the end of the year I hope we have at least 6 or 7 trading systems and at least 30-40 live accounts to show the world how there is a way to be long term profitable when sound trading tactics and analysis are used.

With my public release of the Asirikuy website also comes a major change to the newsletter subscription. It became clear to me after writing the whole Asirikuy website and thinking about my long term goals that in order for people to understand my trading systems and trade them to their fullest the ebook is an absolute must. Reading the ebook and having the live testing information as well as the weekly newsletter and training videos will allow traders to get a full grasp of what is going on and actually have a very good chance of becoming long term profitable with forex automated trading.

For this reason the membership to Asirikuy will cost 30.12 USD for the first month and then 7.21 USD for subsequent months. This way I will be able to unify all the content and have people get access to all the ebook, newsletter and both video databases (with more than 8 hours of training videos). Current newsletter subscribers will also get the ebook and access to the ebook video database. People who have previously purchased the ebook will be able to join the newsletter for the regular 7.21USD monthly fee (just send me an email telling me your interested and I’ll send you a link to issue the payment).

I am also very interested in hearing what you guys think about the website and the idea, please leave any comments you may have ! :o)

If you are interested in Asirikuy or if you would like to know more about my journey through the world of fx automated trading please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or joining Asirikuy to receive all ebook purchase benefits, weekly updates, check the live accounts I am running with several expert advisors and get in the road towards long term success in the forex market using automated trading systems. I hope you enjoyed the article !

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2 Responses to “The Asirikuy Website … A Milestone Achievement”

  1. Tcxmon says:


    Congratulations on your new website!

    How about a free month for customers of your e-book to see if the content is worth the price? If the content is that good, we will be back as long term customers right?

    If that doesn't work for you, how about a "free" level of content and a "paid" level of content?



  2. Daniel says:

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks a lot for the comments and suggestions :o). I did think a lot about the options you mention but then it is just a lot of effort for me to code several levels of content or to manage the overhead support of all the free trial accounts (plus keeping track of them). Keep in mind that this is a one man operation and I personally answer all support emails :o)

    I believe that people who have bought my ebook know the quality of my work and they will know if they want to join. The fee is also very low at 5.34 USD for all the content within asirikuy. I am not asking for a 100 USD per month subscription like many guys offering courses and memberships, it is certainly not my intention to live or get rich from this but I certainly don't want it to cost me money either and the fee barely covers expenses which go into the site. Also keep in mind that a LOT of work went into making all the videos and content within asirikuy (plus the website itself) . For free content I have this blog, which features a new article every day.

    Thanks again for your comment. I hope you consider joining Asirikuy :).

    Best Regards,


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