
Why is back/live testing consistency so important ? When you have a LONG period of coherent back and live testing results then, and only then, you can say that the simulations you have for your EA are a realistic representation of the expert’s performance for the past X years, making simulations much more valid and effectively making them a true beacon for the prediction of risk and profit targets. With the simulations of the God’s Gift ATR validated, we can say that this EA would have made profit from 2000 to 2010 on several different currency pairs.
Results for last year were not extremely good for this trading system, as the EA was unable to profit through most of the year as the GBP/USD got caught in a range from June 2009 till January 2010, effectively making the EA enter a small draw down or breakeven period through most of the year (nonetheless, the year ended in profit). This is well within the predicted length of a draw down period for this EA and what is MOST important, this period of trades shows a very good match with backtesting results with an overall match of all the different smaller profit/ draw down cycles and the number of losing and profitable trades.
This EA will definitely continue to be used on Asirikuy and will definitely continue to be an important part of all my live trading portfolios. Without a doubt the God’s Gift ATR has showed its potential for long term profitability and its ability to preserve capital under unfavorable market conditions. We have also learned a lot about this expert’s broker dependency and the differences between the different curreny pairs and settings used.
From today (after the newsletter is sent), a back/live testing consistency section depicting all the back/live testing consistency analysis of all the God’s Gift ATR instances will be included within asirikuy as well as the usual myfxbook private pages showing each instance’s live updated performance. Of course, if you would like to learn more about the god’s gift ATR, its trading logic and how you too can use it to trade with long term profitability in mind please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or joining Asirikuy to receive all ebook purchase benefits, weekly updates, check the live accounts I am running with several expert advisors and get in the road towards long term success in the forex market using automated trading systems. I hope you enjoyed the article !