Leaving For the Caribbean my First Forex Trading Paid Vacation :o)

This is a very special day for me since later today I will be leaving for my first fully forex-paid vacation (tomorrow is my birthday so I will be spending it there, yey !!). This is a very important achievement for me in the sense that it is a sign that my goal of “trading for a living” has become a sustainable reality and after a long time of constant effort I can now spend a few days to relax and enjoy with my girlfriend along a wonderful Caribbean island beach. Today I wanted to take some time to tell you about what will happen while I am gone with Asirikuy and this website as well as sharing with you some of the details of my journey and where I will be heading.

I will be leaving from today till July the 23rd so those of you who are Asirikuy members should not worry about videos or newsletters since this week’s material has already been uploaded and next week’s will be when I come back (since I will come back on Friday I’ll be able to get everything done by Sunday). However while I am gone I will be absolutely disconnected from the modern world so I won’t be checking my email or even getting near a computer during that time so any questions, inquiries, etc will have to be delayed until I come back. However feel free to email me and I’ll reply when I return. Of course this will also mean that all purchase links will be deactivated until I come back so if you were planning on signing up to Asirikuy or getting the ebook please wait till the 23rd to do so :o)

Regarding VPS, trading accounts, etc I have left everything in charge of a fellow trader I fully trust and hopefully there will be no problems whatsoever. However if there are any he will fix them as promptly as I would. It is probable that some Asirikuy live accounts will also stop updating through the week as the publisher sometimes gets stuck but I’ll make sure I reset things when I come back on Friday so that we can have accurate values in myfxbook for next week’s expert advisor analysis.

I have also written five posts in advance for the blog so those of you who visit daily will be able to benefit from 5 hopefully interesting articles during this week. Of course since I moderate comments personally to avoid spam you will have to wait until I come back for any of them to show up but feel free to comment anyway and I’ll make sure I answer your questions and remarks upon my return.

Regarding where I am going, it is an island called San Andres, near the country of Nicaragua (images shown above). It has some of those white sand Caribbean beaches coupled with the warmth and hospitality that has always characterized people who live around this beautiful sea. I am definitely looking forward to some long sun bathing and some marathon eating sessions that will probably have me weighting a few pounds more when I come back. My girlfriend was a professional swimmer so certainly we will have some fun scuba diving and she will definitely have a blast humiliating me in swimming races :o)

Anyway, I’ll be leaving and when I come back there will be a ton of things happening in Asirikuy and on this website. Before August 15th I will be releasing the next ebook update (which is almost a full remake) and the free ebook containing many of this blog’s posts. So many exciting things will happen and hopefully I’ll count on you – my faithful blog reader – to enjoy this journey with me :o)

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4 Responses to “Leaving For the Caribbean my First Forex Trading Paid Vacation :o)”

  1. Tomas says:

    Hello Daniel,
    I'm happy you go to holiday because you need have a rest too :-). This island looks very nice I'm sure you will like it.
    Have a good trip!


  2. Maxim says:


    Happy vacation,-you really and undoubtly deserve it!!!


  3. Brian says:

    Congratulations! Living off trading is an enviable goal, and your blog posts help explain how others can do it. I just finished your ebook (actually, I converted it to an audiobook and listened to it in my car), and have found it extremely valuable.

  4. CAVA says:

    Daniel; I hope you enjoy your vacation in San Andres island. It is really the most beatifull Colombian island in the caribean.

    Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.

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