Having Some Fun With Forex : Introducing the Mechanical Forex Crossword Puzzles

When you generally look into forex blogs and sites you will see that most of them are in fact quite boring. There are no small games, no way to entertain yourself and no way to learn the “fun way” through interaction with some sort of stimulating experience. I wanted to do a little experiment on the Asirikuy website in order to see if people like it better when there is a little bit of interaction with the website and – why not – a little bit of competition amongst website visitors.

Today I am going to be releasing the first MechanicalForex crossword puzzle, the idea with this is to help you learn some forex history and concepts through a very fun and hopefully challenging game and see how well you do against others who attempt to tackle the crossword. Since today is just my first test I will be introducing a crossword with only 10 words, all related to forex trading. In the future – if the idea does take off – I may do more crosswords with different forex related topics. To the best of my knowledge this is the only forex crossword on the internet so feel free to enjoy it as much as possible ! :o)

[eclipse-crossword url=”http://mechanicalforex.com/forex1.html”]

Please leave comment with your opinion about this idea as well as if you like or don’t like this new interactive experience, its difficulty, it teaching capabilities, etc. What would you think about crossword frequency, would you like it to be weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly ? Please leave a comment to let me know all you think about this idea !

If you would like to earn more about my work in automated trading and how you too can build your own truly mechanical systems using sound trading techniques please consider joining Asirikuy.com, a website filled with educational videos, trading systems, development and a sound, honest and transparent approach to automated trading in general . I hope you enjoyed this article ! :o)

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4 Responses to “Having Some Fun With Forex : Introducing the Mechanical Forex Crossword Puzzles”

  1. andrea says:

    Hi Daniel,
    sorry but with my scholastic english, it’s very difficult for me do the crossword puzzles in a reasonable time.

    • admin says:

      Hi Andrea,

      Thank you for your comment :o) The important thing is to have fun ! Also make sure you check the solutions even if you can’t solve it, this way you’ll learn some forex trivia :o). Thanks again for your comment,

      Best Regards,


      • Maurizio says:

        Hello Daniel, you wrote a post once about Forex as a science or an art. Well, I find that within Asirikuy you made Forex the nearest as possible as a science, with your rigorous statistical-mathematical approach. Your attitude is very serious as it has to be, but I think it is good also to have fun in what we do. So it is a good idea to teach us also through non conventional ways, which can also bring some fun and some colour in this technical matter. Thank you very much for what you do for a proper trader’s education.
        Kind regards

        • admin says:

          Hello Maurizio,

          Thank you very much for your comment :o) I am glad you like this new crossword approach to teach people some basic concepts and terminology used in trading. I hope you solve the crossword puzzle and get some fun while doing it ! Please remember to leave any feedback regarding the difficulty, frequency in which you would like to see crosswords on the website, etc. Thanks again for your comment !

          Best Regards,


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