New Sunday Post Series : The Homework Corner :o)

You might have noticed that during the past 10 weeks I have been posting crosswords on my blog on Sunday in an effort to bring some entertainment value to my blog and give people a little stimulus to participate  in the form of a weekly prize (last week’s prize was won by a visitor called “Mike” – the prize has already been sent – but actually it was a quite close call as about 5 people finished within a very short span of time (around 10 minutes)). However I have seen that this crossword idea might become monotonous after some time (and people tend to participate less often) and for this reason I have decided to start another set of Sunday posts which are bound to be more productive and fruitful in helping people gain a little bit more understanding about the markets and the world of trading in general (although I will still introduce some crossword on Sundays from time to time). Through the next few paragraphs I will explain to you this new “Sunday activity” idea and why I believe it will be a very good thing for most people aspiring to become successful traders.

One of the things you might have read a lot about within this blog is the issue of making an effort in order to succeed in trading. Generally people tend to be a little bit “lost” regarding how this effort should be carried out and – as a matter of fact – many people are willing to do some “work” but they are completely unaware of what this work might be or how they can “get trained” to become successful traders. Certainly the problem of guidance is one of the largest problems in the world of trading since there doesn’t seem to be any formal path or education which can guide a trader into becoming successful and the nature of the effort which has to be done is often obscure and many time the “wrong type” of effort is made, focusing on things which are destructive to a trader’s formation (like “holy grail” searching) and not productive in the long term.

I have always been very concerned about this issue of guidance and this is the main reason why I decided to start Asirikuy, a website that attempts to guide traders through a real education about automated trading and how they can attempt to achieve long term profitability focused on an evidence-based realistic approach to trading. However I am also concerned about the education of the larger portion of aspiring traders – who are not within Asirikuy – and who have no idea of what they can do in order to start to get a more in-depth understanding about trading and the market. This is the main reason why I publish many ideas, strategies and analysis on Currency Trader Magazine, an effort to help people outside Asirikuy see some serious system and statistical analysis of the markets.

During the past few weeks I started to think about ways in which I could help newbies increase their understanding of trading to a basic level and with this in mind I have decided to create this new series of Sunday posts which will be called “The Homework Corner”. My idea with this Sunday posts is to assign my readers a small homework task which will enable them to gain a little bit of understanding regarding a particular market aspect – which will bring them a lot of insight – with a little bit of guidance of how this task can be performed and which sources of information they might use. The idea here is that aspiring traders will do a guided effort and learn something very important about the market after they perform the task I have throughly explained.

Certainly this homework is not targeted at making people rich but only at increasing the level of understanding traders have of overall market aspects and to develop a sort of  “free course” that people can follow to acquire some basic knowledge about the market. Through the homework corner people will be able to find a series of tasks that if executed will allow them to learn – in a step by step fashion – easy things such as how to do market statistical analysis, how to code a simple system to evaluate in MT4, etc.

The idea here is that I won’t be publishing any of the results of these tasks myself but people will need to carry them out in order to reach conclusions on their own. This will allow people to make a guided effort to learn more about trading without wondering aimlessly about what they should do or what “work” needs to be done in order to learn more about the market. If you are an aspiring trader or if you are just interested in learning more about how the market works and how to perform certain basic tasks to understand how trading works then the homework corner will definitely be an activity you will want to do every week :o).

Next Sunday I will be publishing the first “homework task”, detailing what needs to be done, what analysis traders need to do and what questions they should answer while doing their “assignment”. Do you like the idea ? What do you think ? Please leave a comment with your opinion about this new idea :o)

If you would also like to learn more about my work about automated trading and earn a true education regarding system development and evaluation please consider joining, a website filled with educational videos, trading systems, development and a sound, honest and transparent approach towards automated trading in general . I hope you enjoyed this article ! :o)

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2 Responses to “New Sunday Post Series : The Homework Corner :o)”

  1. erick says:

    this is a very good idea that is also creative, original, and much needed.

  2. Dan says:

    I very much agree with the above comment. I am a beginning trader who would be the target audience for this new feature and I think it’s a great idea.

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