Why I trust the God’s Gift ATR Expert Advisor

I have always said that one of the main requirements to succeed with an automated trading system is to be able to trust the system and trade it through all market conditions with the assurance that the system will be able to recover from temporary loses. Trusting and knowing how a system works also enables you to know your system’s strengths and weaknesses, something which makes trading with it much easier.

One of the systems I have been working on and testing for a while is the God’s gift ATR expert advisor which I programmed based on the original God’s Gift 7c programmmed by Matt Edmonds. Now, after being involved and watching this system trade live for more than 2 months I can start to say why I certainly trust this expert advisor. So why do I exactly trust the way the God’s gift ATR expert advisor trades ? Well, because the expert’s traiding fulfills some of the most important aspects any profitable trading system should (at least in my opinion).

Adjusts itself to the market : This ea uses the ATR indicator in order to adjust it’s position sizing and market orders to match a certain percentage of market volatility. This somewhat guarantees that the expert will remain profitable under many market conditions since it is able to adjust itself to the different amplitudes of market movements.

The trend is your friend : The god’s gift ATR expert advisor is able to follow trends when they develop by using a trailing stop which lets the expert take advantage of very long trending markets without getting stopped out.

Cut your loses short, let your profits run : The ea is able to cut loses by using an internal closing mechanism which follows many different indicators. This lets the ea exit the market before hitting the stop loss either when the price goes against the trade or when the stop loss is trailed after that price has moved in favor of the trader. This has the clear effect of increasing the ability to follow trends while minimizing the loses generated when the market is not with the trader.

Realistic Profit Expectations with Adequate Risk : The god’s gift ea is able of producing 50-100% a year with a draw down not exceeding 20-50% (per back and forward testing results), this is a realistic profit expectation which reflects the conservative way in which the expert advisor trades. The equity curve generated by the ea is globally linear with a neat increase in equity under very varied market conditions.

I consider that the above reasons make the god’s gift expert advisor a very unique and sound trading system. The ea has up until now proved to be robust and consistent, something which is a must have for a long term automated trading system. If you would like to learn more about this and other free and commercial expert advisors please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or subscribing to my weekly newsletter to receive updates and check the live and demo accounts I am running with several expert advisors. I hope you enjoyed the article !

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5 Responses to “Why I trust the God’s Gift ATR Expert Advisor”

  1. Matthew says:

    Hi Daniel,

    I am the author of the original God’s Gift EA, Matt Edmonds.

    Great work on developing the EA further. Very pleased to see the kind of results you are getting with the various pairs.

    Would be interesting to chat with you about it if you want. You can contact me at matt.edmonds@gmail.com


  2. Daniel says:

    Hello Matt,

    I am glad you found my website. I have just sent you an email !



  3. Winter says:

    Hi Daniel,

    I am trying to back test your GG ATR. Are you using the default settings for the EA or different settings for different pairs ?


  4. Spiderweb says:

    Hi daniel,
    I wanted to test the good gift Ea And how can I buy it, you can send to me And the test with your settings,

    best regards,

    Paulo Santos


  5. Thomas says:

    Hi ,
    I would like to test the good fie EA using ATR, please do advise how shall I get it :P

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