October/November Video Reviews : Getting to Know the Most Recent Commercial Expert Advisors/Manual Systems

If you have read my blog for the past several months you may remember that I decided to change my reviewing style from single articles to quick review videos in order to reduce the amount of time I spend developing content based on commercial systems and instead devote that time to content which may more effectively help people who seek to succeed using mechanical trading strategies. This video review format allows me to communicate my views and opinions about recently released commercial trading systems in a small amount of time and within one single post, leaving more space for the development of high quality articles about trading, system evaluation and system development. On today’s post I will share with you my reviews for the commercial systems which were released between October and Novemember 2010.

Even though many may consider reviewing commercial systems a “waste of time” I believe it to be a worthy endeavor since it might help people who are very new to forex to better understand the degree of evidence necessary to consider a commercial trading system likely long term profitable, plus it may also help people who are more experienced traders get an idea about the risks and inherent unsoundness of certain trading tactics being used. Certainly profitability is not only about showing profitable back/live trading statements of a few months but about using sound trading techniques to achieve success in the long term with controlled risks. Please remember that in order to watch these videos you might need the divx codec available at http://www.divx.com for free.

Before you watch the reviews please read this article to learn more about how I review and evaluate trading systems.

Forex Crescendo Review

Forex Breakout Genius Review

Platinum Forex Robot Review

Method 311 Review

Forex U Turn Review

Forex Retribution Review

Forexilla Review

Forex Gold Trader Review

Forex Gap Robot Review

Forex Combo Review (this EA was previously reviewed but I restated by opinion a per the new available testing information )

As always feel free to leave any comments with your views and opinions about the above systems, however please remember that any comments you post need to be backup by pertinent information and they must be versed in a respectful and rational manner. I am all for discussion and for giving fair but rational views about the systems being released so please have the courtesy to do the same and write your comments in a civil, rational and evidence-based tone.

As always please remember that the burden of proof of a system’s long term profitability lies on the author’s live accounts, not on yours !

If you would like to learn more about automated trading and how you can gain a true education to create your own likely long term profitable systems based on sound trading tactics please consider joining Asirikuy.com, a website filled with educational videos, trading systems, development and a sound, honest and transparent approach to automated trading in general . I hope you enjoyed this article ! :o)

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One Response to “October/November Video Reviews : Getting to Know the Most Recent Commercial Expert Advisors/Manual Systems”

  1. Viktor says:

    Hi Daniel,
    I wonder what was your testings like for the forexcombosystem?
    I use this system with a moderate sucses so far after some drowdowns period.It may look like it can work on the long term even though there are no garanties for that, just would really apreciate your verdict for this system even though you are not reviewing comercial systems anymore. Thanks anyway.

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