Ebook : Automated Trading in the Forex market : A Trader’s Guide to Success

Almost three years have passed since I started selling the first version of my automated trading ebook and many things have changed since then, the first ebook release was replaced about a year ago by a totally new remake and now another important change will be happening. After doing a lot of thinking I realized that the material available within my ebook couldn’t be totally appreciated without having access to all the content available within my other website, Asirikuy.
The ebook contains a large amount of information regarding automated trading and what needs to be done in order to succeed in this field. It teaches people new to this area how to develop likely long term profitable systems, what to expect from them and how to properly program and design them. The ebook’s objective – as its title suggests – is to be the ultimate guideline for traders who wish to achieve success in automated trading. However, after more than a year of selling this ebook version I have realized that not only is this knowledge needed but access to a constant feedback regarding the different system’s performance and help in the development of trading systems is actually necessary to make it in this business.

For these reasons it didn’t make a lot of sense to continue selling the ebook by itself when there is a huge wealth of material currently available within Asirikuy that perfectly compliments and helps the points made within the ebook. Because of this, the ebook will no longer be available as a separate item but it will be a part of the regular Asirikuy membership. I have decided to take this opportunity to do this as I have just updated the ebook to include some new sections that are only fully meaningful with access to Asirikuy videos, systems, etc.

The ebook has now become the essential guideline to Asirikuy members as it gives people the initial information they need to tackle the journey of long term profitable trading with a good idea of what expectations they should have in mind and how things should be done in order to get to that point with a much higher probability. If you want to see what is inside the ebook you can take a look at the table of contents here. The ebook continues to contain the Watukushay project but many hours of videos are available within Asirikuy dealing with Kutichiy, Teyacanani and Watukushay No.5, system which are not contained within the ebook.

If you would like to get the ebook please consider joining Asirikuy. The price is only 161 USD per year, which equals 13.42 USD per month.

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71 Responses to “Ebook : Automated Trading in the Forex market : A Trader’s Guide to Success”

  1. Mordor says:

    I just made payment for this e-book.
    I,m really interested in learning good strategies for using Forex killer software. I will post my experience with the e-book.

  2. Daniel says:

    Thank you very much for your comment, I am eager to receive your opinions on the ebook !

  3. Lawrence Lee says:

    Hi Daniel. You blog had indeed made me learn alot. But can i have your comment on this before i start a live account with MT4? http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=70582

  4. Daniel says:

    Hello Lawrence,

    Thanks a lot for your comment ! Regarding the web page…

    I know that beyond the market, brokers are our worst enemy, but I don’t believe this is a reason to stay away from the whole metatrader community. The fact is that most people who aren’t profitable are so because of their own bad trading decisions and even though brokers may hinder profit to some extent, this will most likely not interfere severely with a profitable trading strategy. I have made money with metatrader brokers and I know others who have.If you do not trust brokers very much, start with a mini account, trade micro lots, build up your confidence on the platform.

  5. Lawrence Lee says:

    Great thanks. Anyway i wil 80% trade (Demo only lol) using your FK stratgy. After your advice, it given my more cofidence in the sytem. I follows your rules and got it. Will open one live acc by May!!! Once again thanks.

  6. fcaillou says:

    I have buy and read the first “beta” version. It is really a very interesting ebook to anyone want buy and use an EA.
    I would know if the first buyer will received the last version?

    Great job and great blog.


  7. Neil says:

    Hey there, I stumbled on your site trying to find reviews on EA’s. I’m new to all this and I will probably purchase your ebook to save me time and money. Have you heard of the Robot Forex 2008 Professional by http://www.eracrash.com ? They offer a demo on download.com, just want to know your thoughts. Thanks for all the info!

  8. MightyOaf says:

    Hello Daniel,

    I have bought your e-book several months ago, and tried to up-date it by clicking the link button on your blog but didn’t work. I would apprecitate a lot if you could check on it. Thanks.

  9. Daniel says:


    Try accessing the website directly by placing the address on your browser directly ftp://ebook@ and entering the password as instructed. If it still does not work for you please send me an email and I’ll me happy to email you the update !



  10. Winter says:

    Have made a purchase of your ebook today. Could you check your paypal account ?

  11. Daniel says:


    I already emailed you the ebook’s download information, please make sure you check your spam email folder as the email sometimes gets sent there by email providers. Anyway, feel free to email me if you want me to resend you the info,



  12. Winter says:

    Where can we find the settings used for the EA such as God Gift ATR and SDS ?

  13. J.T says:

    Hi Winter,

    There are some attachment with the ebook you bought. those statement will show the setup.


  14. Daniel says:


    Thank you very much for covering up the answer J.T. as he says, the ebook contains folders with forward and backtesting information showing you all the results. The backtests contain settings you can use as guidance or you can email me if you need any specific details explained. Thank you all for your purchases,


  15. Winter says:

    Hi Daniel,

    The ebook does not contain the backtest screenshot for SDS. Are you using all the default settings that comes with the EA ?

  16. Daniel says:

    Hi Winter,

    You are right, only forward testing is included for that EA. Send me an email and I’ll send you the set file with the settings I am currently using.


  17. Winter says:

    Hi Daniel,

    Has sent an email to your hotmail account. Pls check. Thanks.

  18. DragonTrader says:

    Hi Daniel,
    I've already got your e-book. Can you please send me SDS EA, the parameter setting & bactest result to my e-mail ? Thanks

  19. Daniel says:

    I just sent you the information you requested, please email me if there is anything else you would like to know. Thanks again for your purchase !

  20. Christopher says:

    Daniel, I purchased your ebook about a year ago and received an update around 12/08. I have tried to get the most recent update with out success. Can you email it to me? I appreciate your insites in forex and your approach to evaluating expert advisors. Thank you and keep up the good work. Christopher

  21. Daniel says:

    Hello Christopher,

    Please send me an email and I’ll send you a reply with the latest update of the ebook. I am sorry for not sending it right away but I can’t seem to locate your email without your lastname. Thanks again for your purchase !

    Best Regards,

  22. Christopher says:

    Daniel, Sorry for the delay. I have been out of town. My email is clanpher@cox.net. Thank you in advance. Christopher

  23. yamfoley says:

    I had paid money by paypal already. how can i get ebook.

  24. Daniel says:

    Hello Yamfoley,

    I have already sent you the ebook. Send me an email if you haven't received it yet and I'll be glad to resend it. I hope you enjoy the ebook a lot :)

    Best Regards,


  25. yamfoley says:

    I got it, Thank you. I will study it as fast as i can.

  26. rogermh says:

    Daniel, I downloaded the new ebook and the date on the title page reads September 20, 2009 which is the same as the one I already have. I've only been a subscriber for two weeks so it's possible I already received the new version before you officially announced it. Can you please confirm the date on the new ebook? Thanks.

  27. Daniel says:

    Hello Roger,

    The latest version only included an update on the expert statements which should be from Novemeber for the currently tested experts. Al God´s gift ATR tests were updated. On December there will be another major release with the introduction of Watukushay expert No.2. Thank you for your purchases and for being an active subscriber !

    Best regards,


  28. Daniel says:

    Hello Everyone,

    The ebook has just been updated to include the development of Watukushay No.2 and the new tutorial video library :-). A new video will be added each week as the post says. (I also did a major overhaul of all the text rendering to improve the quality)

    I hope you all enjoy this update !
    All opinions are welcome !

    Best Regards,


  29. Winter says:

    Hi Daniel,

    Congratulation for your completion of the latest eBook especially the Watukushay projects. Ever since, I have not looked back at any other commercial EAs. You are just amazing. Thanks for teaching me how to fish.


  30. Kevin says:

    Hi Daniel i have subscibed to weekly updates and others using paypal.My ID is g.kevn.You can send info on this email also.Thank you,


  31. Paul says:

    I just made payment for this e-book through Paypal. I have not received the email with the download information. Is there a problem with using an AOL account? Please advise.

  32. Daniel says:

    Hello Paul,

    I just sent you the ebook. There is no problem when using aol email addresses or any other email provider as far as I know. Make sure you email me if you have any comments, suggestions, etc. Thank you for your purchase !

    Best Regards,

    Daniel Fernandez

  33. Budi says:

    hi Daniel,
    I just purchased the e-book thru paypal. The transaction ID: 0SX39485ET7848713.

    Pls send to my email at budiharto@singnet.com.sg


    Budi Harto

  34. Patrick says:

    I have subscribed the following membership a few days ago. I have yet to receive any ebook or link to access the members webpage. Can you send me the ebook to patguay@excite.com or pgls3079@gmail.com?

    Below is my subscription details:
    Date of Sign Up: 20 Jul 2010
    Subscription Name: Membership to Asirikuy.com
    Subscription Number: S-6E302366SU999823B

    Item Number: 3456

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  70. Mark says:


    I’m looking for someone that can help with the secret interface coding with FXCM Strategy Trader. FXCM seems to be very reluctant to release or help answer some basic questions that we have concerning interfacing with their platform. One simple question is how do I get ‘using Microsoft Office.Interop.Excel’, using what .dll file and how do I get it? And how to use SeriesVar, IVariable and other such constructs and what their uses are? I have very experienced C# programmers, we are looking for someone with knowledge of Strategy Trader.



    • admin says:

      Hi Mark,

      Thank you for your post :o) Sadly I don’t have a lot of knowledge about Strategy Trader and I also lack the time to help you in this endeavor. However I wish you the best of luck!

      Best Regards,


      PS: It might be better to use MT4 or develop your own platform instead of using the FXCM Strategy Trader

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